Yes, I Can and You Can Too

Lockdowns and social distancing sure made me take another look at my life.  I faced a new-found awareness of a need to do something productive and gratifying, and alone.

After considerable thought and investigation, I discovered pastel painting.  I call it finger painting for grownups.  I have begun studying the art, grateful for the Internet and the availability of so much new-to-me information.

I started with The Great Courses and took an academic approach to learning to draw.  I learned about line and space, value, media, perspective, dimension, and a little more history than I really felt I needed.  From there, I turned to youtube tutorials and actually spent a whole hour learning how to sharpen a pencil.  (It is not as easy or as simple as you may think.)  I am still watching youtube videos to learn more about types of pastels, techniques, tools, styles, and even more history.

I have thrown myself into this new endeavor.

I finished this one today.  I call it “Ruby Throated Hummingbird,”  because that it what it is supposed to be.  I will encase it behind a mat and inside a clear protective casing and then hopefully find a place to hang it. 

So what do you think?

Ruby Throated Hummingbird cropped
Pictured:  Pastel painting of a ruby throated hummingbird,  with green wings and body and red throat.